Umur Gedik

Software Developer & Designer

08 Oct 2023

Implementing Custom Controls With UIMenu in UIKit

Recently I was working on a client project with a custom control in a navigation bar to show the associated menu on tap. UIKit supports this behavior out of the box with UIButton when you associate an UIMenu and set it’s showsMenuAsPrimaryAction.

let button = UIButton(type: .system)
button.setTitle("Menu Button", for: .normal)
button.menu = UIMenu(
    children: [
            title: "Command 1",
            handler: { _ in }

button.showsMenuAsPrimaryAction = true

If all you need is a simple button with a menu, use UIButton by all means. If you want to have this behavior on your custom view it need to extend UIControl instead of UIView. Unfortunately there is no .menu property on UIControl class.

Another way to showing menus is adding an UIContextMenuInteraction to your view. But context menu interaction is triggered by long press gesture, and also it adds custom styling to your view while the long press gesture in progress. As the name suggests it is a context menu after all.

let label = UILabel()
label.text = "A Label"

let interaction = UIContextMenuInteraction(delegate: self)
label.isUserInteractionEnabled = true

extension ViewController: UIContextMenuInteractionDelegate {
    func contextMenuInteraction(
        _ interaction: UIContextMenuInteraction,
        configurationForMenuAtLocation location: CGPoint
    ) -> UIContextMenuConfiguration? {
        UIContextMenuConfiguration(actionProvider: { suggestions in
            let actions = [
                    title: "Command 1",
                    handler: { _ in }

            return UIMenu(children: actions)

UIControl has a special treatment for UIContextMenuInteraction. If we extend our custom view from UIControl and enable context menu interaction via isContextMenuInteractionEnabled and showsMenuAsPrimaryAction we can achieve the same behavior as UIButton has.

class CustomView: UIControl {
    func setupViews() {
        let label = UILabel()
        label.text = "A Label"

        // setup layout constraints...

        // Enable context menu interaction
        isContextMenuInteractionEnabled = true
        showsMenuAsPrimaryAction = true

    lazy var menuConfig = UIContextMenuConfiguration(actionProvider: {
        suggestedActions in
        let actions = [
                title: "Command 1",
                handler: { _ in }

        return UIMenu(children: actions)

    override func contextMenuInteraction(
        _ interaction: UIContextMenuInteraction,
        configurationForMenuAtLocation location: CGPoint
    ) -> UIContextMenuConfiguration? {

Keep in mind UIControl already conforms to UIContextMenuInteractionDelegate protocol, and isContextMenuInteractionEnabled property automatically adds UIContextMenuInteraction to the control. Make sure to check the delegate protocol for further customizations of the interaction.

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